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Announcement: ARA Frames <> Peterboro Matboards

ARA Frames <> Peterboro Matboards

Today, we are proud and excited to announce a strategic partnership between ARA Frames, India & Peterboro Matboards, Canada.

Peterboro, established in 1902, has been a leader in the picture framing industry for producing the finest mat boards. They produce the best Museum, Conservation, Linen, Suede & Black Core mat boards that match the guidelines of Fine Art Trade Guild, Professional Picture Framers Association & Library of Congress.

Team ARA Frames & Peterboro at WCAF 2019

The Indian picture framing market is going through a rapid paradigm shift and it is our responsibility that our customers and distributors pan India are educated and aware about the qualities that are available in mat boards. We believe that mats are the most important element in picture framing as they protect and enhance an artwork.

It is essential to understand the use case of every matboard as they have their own individual specifications. In the forthcoming weeks, ARA plans to conduct talks, seminars and workshops to make the stakeholders of picture framing in India understand the quality of the mat boards better.

The mat board samples are now available at ARA. You can contact us on +91-9930267101/2 to know more.

For more updates, stay tuned.


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